Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 149 - Friday

Jason painting the backdrops for children's church for us.
We are getting ready to start a series on Joseph.
These will be painted with scenery to look like Egypt.

Due to this situation.....I had him working!


Darla said...

what a good kid he is...look at him him working. everyone has to pull a few pranks in life, we just hope to get out of them alive!

Terry said...

Hi Sara
Thank you for coming by my blog :)
God Bless you.
Thank you for becoming a follower .
I am new to the computer and blogging ,our son thought it would be good if I learned how to
jump on the computer and get
involved in the real world. :)
I have been involved but just not a part of blogging ,etc....
I have a life time of volunteering :)
I am sure you understand about volunteering .
So once again thank you for coming by.
I must warn you I don't know much about the computer and I have lots
of questions So I may be asking you a question or two .
I do love learning.
Blessings of joy to you and yours.
Happpy Trails !!!!!!!

bentonflocke said...

wow that´s great from Jason painting for children´s church!!