Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 151 - Sunday

Today we worked on the sets for our new Joseph curriculum
for children's church

this will be a backdrop behind the stage.
like you are looking out into Egypt

This will be our "pit", isn't it awesome?!
we have chairs under there and chicken wire. then topped it
with crumpled paper!

Palm trees
the top is an umbrella!

and this is our prison!
the white part was then painted to look like stones.

we have some very talented people in our church and it looks..


Darla said...

looks amazing! i'll bet it's gonna be worth all the work...very creative stuff going on there.

bentonflocke said...

wow - that´s really stunning!! There are many talented people in your church!!! Great so see such wonderful handicraft!!!

Mari said...

That is really cool! The kids will love it!