Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 231 - Wednesday

I have a tradition of celebrating the first and last days of school
The last day, I always get a pedicure
Today I celebrated at lunch with my good friend, Jill!!

I had to show you this......
this most delicious sandwich was made from the left over cuban pork
this is also Kim's recipe
and also completely!!!


Sunny said...

What a fun tradition! Sandwich looks yummy!
Sunny :)

Darla said...

yummy! looks wonderful.

bentonflocke said...

wonderful tradition and a beautiful shot!! Mmmmh the sandwich looks so delicious - I´ll jump to Kim´s blog

bentonflocke said...

thanks for commenting on my german post...

You are right I got good stuff in the mail...

Trnd is a word-of-mouth recommendation project in Germany.... where you can apply to different new products to test them.

If your application is successful you´ll get the test-parcel with a big one of the stuff for you and many small ones for your friends. So they´ll can test, too and I can discuss with them over their/our experiences.

The friends have to fill out questionnaires, that I have to redirect to trnd. There are also different polling for me.

LuAnn said...

Looks like a great day with a friend. And the sandwich - looks yummy!!! Phil's first day is Monday!