Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 243 - Monday

Tonight was parent night at school where we meet the teachers.
They have you walk your child's schedule.
Steve is out of town, so I had to decide which kid's teachers I would meet, usually he takes one and I take the other.
I was actually able to get to most all of them and I
was reminded why I am so thrilled they are in a Christian school!

Day 242 - Sunday

After church today, we stayed to work on the sets for our new curriculum for Jonah. Even some of the youngest kids got involved painting!!
It is going to be so good!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 241 - Saturday

Painting my bedroom today....
old color on the right, new color on the left.

I am sooooo tired!

Day 240 - Friday

Went out on my front porch and this little guy was visiting....

Day 239 - Thursday

What a day.......
....this is an example of how it went.
I need to send jelly to Mama Belle (she won my giveaway)
the only box I can find is one that already looks like it has been to Kosovo and back....... I take time to tape it ALL over so it will not fall apart and when done, see the cute little card I made for her on the counter.......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 238 - Wednesday

My new blog design was installed today!
I love it!!
It was designed by Jackie at Memories by Design

Day 237 - Tuesday

Jared has been craving cornbread.
There is nothing better than homemade cornbread in a cast iron skillet!!

Day 236 - Monday

Today was my first day back at work...I took the summer off.
I knew I would be tired so I put dinner in the crockpots!!
Roast in one, baked potatoes in the other!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 235 - Sunday

Today was such a blessing!

We had the privilege and honor to pray over a family in our congregation that is heading into the mission field in Niger. They leave tomorrow and this was bittersweet. So hard to say goodbye, but so exciting to see God work in their lives!

We also had the privilege to celebrate with the Korean Grace Church on their first official Sunday worshiping at our church (Grace Church)
How incredible to worship with them, sing with them (2 languages singing one song), and fellowshiping with them over a traditional Korean meal.

God is good....all the time!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 234 - Saturday

my son had a few friends over today, just around dinner time!
I was already fixing dinner for some of MY friends coming over, so
Jason grilled his friends burgers and they ate outside!!
Love that kid!

Our friends Roger and Jill came over for dinner..
...Chicken Pomodoro, mashed potatoes, green beans & salad
another new recipe.....again, awesome!!
I'm on a roll!

Day 233 - Friday

I went to the Post Office today to mail some gifts
I had to purchase a box, tape and bubble wrap
I got it all together and got in a very LONG line..with ONE very slow worker behind the counter at the busiest time of day!!
After more than 30 min., I had moved up ONE person and was still EIGHT from the counter....yikes!! I couldn't leave b/c I had used items from the PO...........but my kids will be home from school very soon.........what to do?
.......yep, I left with all my stuff.
They are just going to have to trust that I will pay for it when I go in tomorrow...
Do we really want the government running our health care?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 232 - Thursday

Another new recipe!!
This one came from Darla at Heartshare
and is called King Ranch Casserole

And amazingly EVERYONE liked it!!!
That is 2 recipes in one week that everyone liked..
..if you have 5+ people in your house then you know what a miracle that is!!!

Day 231 - Wednesday

I have a tradition of celebrating the first and last days of school
The last day, I always get a pedicure
Today I celebrated at lunch with my good friend, Jill!!

I had to show you this......
this most delicious sandwich was made from the left over cuban pork
this is also Kim's recipe
and also completely!!!

Day 230 - Tuesday

We had a huge storm blow through in the evening here
and our electricity went out just as we were sitting down for dinner
So I didn't get picture of the AMAZING meal I made of
Cuban Pork from Kim
This got a thumbs up from everyone in the family.....minor miracle!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 229 - Monday

We had the ribbon cutting ceremony for our new HS bldg last night.
So exciting to see God working on this campus!!
They started on this last spring....I really didn't think it would be completed for the fall. But God is so good and they didn't have even ONE delay....and here we are!!
It's beautiful!!

Day 228 - Sunday

We had a reception at church tonight for one of our families heading off to the mission field. They will be heading to Niger in a week. It has been so amazing to see God work in them as they have gone through this process over the last several years. And now they are finally going!! We are so excited for them and can't wait to hear how God will use this family to be His hands and feet!!!!
Love you guys!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 227 - Saturday

My best friend, Wendi, and I spent the afternoon canning!

Jalapeno jelly is the dark green in the back.
Peach preserves in the front
pickled jalapenos, garlic & peppers on the right
the start of Lemoncello in the vodka bottles
Lemoncello has to steep in a dark place for 15 days before we finish it!

This was a great day!!!

Day 226 - Friday

This is what Jason looked like when he got up today.....

.....this is what he looked like after getting "ready" for the day...
......not much difference in the hair! ha!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 225 - Thursday

School schedules are out....
really? grade 12?
How did that happen?!?!?!

Day 224 - Wednesday

made a quick (very quick) trip to Dallas to pick up some
furniture from my Aunt's house.

Day 223 - Tuesday

We had a cooking class at bible study tonight
we all just saw Julie & Julia, so notice the aprons and pearls!!

good to make sure your blender is screwed on tight
when making a green sauce!!!

mussels with parsley/lemon sauce

Scallops with pesto in roasted peppers

(I will try to get these recipes posted soon!)

Day 222 - Monday

Tough day for me.
Had to say goodbye to my daughter and send her back to college.

It just never gets easier.....

Day 221 - Sunday

Went to see this tonight with the ladies from my neighborhood bible study... was GREAT!!!
I walked out so inspired to cook!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 220 - Saturday

Can you imagine a more perfect place for your quiet time?

Maybe here?

After worship/prayer time, we were back at work!
We were able to write ALL the curriculum and workshops
through the end of the year!
The kids are going to LOVE it!!!

Day 219 - Friday

Waking up to this was amazing!!!
After spending some time praying/worshiping together....
....we got to work!!

We were able to hammer out most of the falls curriculum!
The creative juices were flowing!

Day 218 - Thursday

I left today to go on a planning retreat for CM.
A friend of ours let us use their lake house so we could get away
and have uninterrupted time to work!
Tonight we are just enjoying ourselves and relaxing...
.....tomorrow we work!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 217 - Wednesday

Watching the Finale of my favorite summer show...
..can't wait to see who will win!!!

Day 216 - Tuesday

This summer, we started a bible study in our neighborhood.
I have so enjoyed this and loved getting to know these ladies better!

Day 215 - Monday

My "other" son (aka Jason's best friend) brought over his rock band system the other day. This has brought many laughs, fun and even astonishment that mom could keep up!!!!

Day 214 - Sunday

My boys played in the worship band this Sunday
Jason actually led worship at did a great job
Jason also sang a song he wrote about his mission trip to Brazil...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 213 - Saturday

Bus full of band kids heading to float down the Buffalo River
This is the only shot I got b/c it was POURING down rain
It rained the first hour of our float trip...
...but we had a blast!!!