Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35 - Saturday, Feb 4

 We traveled to Arkadephia today for Jared's all-state tryouts.  Here he is practicing with some friends.  sadly, his nerves got the best of him and he didn't make it.  Hurts my mama's heart.

But I came home to find this special gift in the mail for me from my dear friend LuAnn!!!
I LOVE it!
 It's hard to model and take the picture of yourself too...blurry.


Valerie said...

Oh, this Mama's heart had the same hurt happen when my son was in high school auditioning for all state band and all state jazz band. That was several years ago. Now? He's a middle school band teacher - and it's the perfect job for him!

I've read your blog for several years now, and Jared has had many wonderful things happen with his music. I know that you must be excited to see where it will take him.

Mari said...

She is so talented! It's very cute!